Thanks for downloading this Beechcraft Baron 58 repaint! This is just my second repaint, and I hope you like it.

Please contact me if you don´t know how to install it or if there´s something wrong or if you just want to comment.

unzip the complete file in a temporary folder.

Ok now go to your FS 2002 main aircraft folder
(usually it´s: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\FS2002\aircraft
open the beech baron 58 folder. Place the aircraft.cfg file from the zipfile in the main beech baron 58 folder.(if asked to replace say "Yes")* Then add the folder called Texture.coca in the main beech baron 58 folder.

thats it!

Casper Hariot

*If you already installed some other Baron 58 repaints, please DO NOT REPLACE! You have to change the aircraft.cfg file, but I think you already know how to do this.

(Thanks to Ritsaart Kreiken, Chris Klein and Bob Hayes for the original textures)